Digital Commons

Kjetil Kjernsmo

qr code

Elinor Ostrom and the Commons

Famous economist who won the Nobel Memorial Prize i 2009

Published a paper "Beyond Markets and States: Polycentric Governance of Complex Economic Systems" in 2010

Subtractability of Use
High Low
Difficulty of excluding potential beneficiaries High Common-pool resources: groundwater basins, lakes, irrigation systems, fisheries, forests, etc. Public goods: peace and security of a community, national defense, knowledge, fire protection, weather forecasts, etc.
Low Private goods: food, clothing, automobiles, etc. Toll goods: theaters, private clubs, daycare centers

Free and Open Source Software

  • Source code openness was inherited from academic openness
  • Software started to be distributed separately from hardware in the 1960-ties
  • Bill Gates became a champion of closed source in 1976.
  • Richard M. Stallman's (now a loose cannon) moral imperatives from 1983

Where regulation fails

Digital Services Act, Article 26, §1d:

meaningful information directly and easily accessible from the advertisement about the main parameters used to determine the recipient to whom the advertisement is presented and, where applicable, about how to change those parameters.

Facebook-reklame eksempel

Facebook reklame

Ethical companies loose

  • Ethical companies will loose if they invest in research of Explainable AI o.l.
  • Amoral companies see that the risk of a shrug is low.
  • Industrial pressure is downwards, not upwards

What does algorithmic transparency mean?

Adapted from How to Build a JavaScript Calculator? by Adil Ahmed.