Produce test suites that can be used to verify the compliance of any server implementation to the Solid specifications
Bring the framework to a state where it can comfortably support spec writing
Struggled with worries around interactivity
Clearly separate system under test from system doing testing
Identity Provider isn't system under test
So it could provide a bearer token to anyone that asks
fakeIDP living on
:test_list a test:FixtureTable ;
rdfs:comment "These tests have been strongly influenced by NSS' authentication-oidc-test.js"@en ;
test:fixtures (
) .
:get_auth_alice a test:AutomatedTest ;
test:purpose "Authenticated as Alice GET operations on resources."@en ;
test:test_script <> ;
test:params [
<> <> ;
test:requests (
) ;
test:responses (
] .
Structure differs from previous all-hands:
a nfo:SoftwareItem ;
deps:test-requirement "Web::Solid::Test::HTTPLists"^^deps:CpanId ;
nfo:definesFunction "http_req_res_list" .
Issue open to make this URI dereferenceable
:get_alice_trust_origin_private_for_alice_req a http:RequestMessage ;
http:method "GET" ;
httph:origin <https://goodapp.example> ; # Given in Alice's profile as trusted
http:requestURI </test-auth/private-for-alice.txt> .
:get_ok_res a http:ResponseMessage ;
http:status 200 .
A lot of open space around this
:check_acl_location a test:AutomatedTest ;
test:purpose "Determine location and write ACL document"@en ;
test:test_script <> ;
test:params [
<> <> ;
test:requests ( :check_acl_location_req :put_new_acl_req ) ;
test:responses ( :check_acl_location_res :put_new_acl_res )
] .
:check_acl_location_res a http:ResponseMessage ;
httph:link '<(.*?)>;\\s+rel="acl"'^^dqm:regex ;
http:status 200 .